Saturday, July 31, 2010

Future Endeavors

So I am using my first entry of my Journal to give a brief explanation to my past and what brought me to my current position and  future hope!

So I am currently 24 (5 days to 25!!!) , I have been a college graduate for 2 years now with a MBA in International Commerce, and 3 years graduate with my Bachelors in International Business, French and Marketing. With such degrees and aspirations when I was more youthful, I had great hopes of becoming an international professional working with brand management or business development!! Well 2 years later, I am currently a bank teller in NYC with no sight of the desired future that I have set fourth when I was a junior in High School.  I have had some experience overseas which included a semester in France and a summer session in Germany, France, Luxembourg, and Belgium.  With this said it brings me to the point where I am reevaluating my life.

When I was a senior at Niagara University, I met my friend Eric.  He was joining the Peace Corps right after college.  I met him because I was the director of the French Conversational Table.  I disregarding this as an option because my parents consistently pressured me into joining corporate America and receive a "real" job (a topic we can discuss shortly).  So coming to the end of my college with my MBA, I discovered my true calling in my life, to become a Foreign Service Officer, but while researching this option, I noticed the Peace Corps once again.  This time I took it up with my parents and asked them if this is an option that I could follow, to me the Peace Corps would bring me great amount of personal growth as well as bring me the professional opportunities overseas that would accelerate an international career that I desired. My parents said no, it wouldn't be worth my while and continued to insist that I join the Corporate world and make a great success of myself and my education.  Well this brings me to where I am today.  I have been out of school for 2 years and I am a bank teller in Time Square.  Not to understate the position because it is a reputable career for many who do not have the dreams and ambitions that I do.  I am growing really fast with the company but I am not happy there.  So during my reevaluation of my life and my ever desire to be a FSO, I brought the idea of joining the Peace Corps again with my parents, after all times are different, I am older and much wiser now.  They were still very hesitant but they finally gave me their support.  I do not live with my parents but I do respect their opinion and for me to live overseas for 27 months, I do need their emotional support for such an endeavor.  So it was official, I have started the process of becoming a Peace Corps Volunteer!!!!

So I have have finished my application and submitted it last week! I am waiting on one recommendation which I should receive this week sometime and then the waiting games starts to hear from the recruiter to start my 9-12 month processing time frame to either receive an invitation or not.  I am terribly nervous that I will not receive an invitation, I try not to get my hopes up too much.  I do have a job so its not like I will be doing nothing but I want this so bad for myself, its like Peace Corps, I have a masters degree in international business and I speak french.  I tutored french and economics, and I lived overseas.  I would be a great candidate.  I just hope they see it too!! 

This journal will be set up to discuss the steps and keep everyone updated on how processing is going. hopefully it will then lead to a journal discussing my experiences overseas but not to jump a head, lets look at the mission a head of us, getting the job!!

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