Saturday, May 21, 2011

Birthday in Africa!

So today is my 26th Birthday!! Its a crazy place to have a birthday to say the least but I appreciate my fellow volunteers who came to Bougouni especially Clare and Marlow, and celebrated this with me.  I have never been a big fan of birthdays, they generally depress me, but this one I think is nice where I am able to just chill in a hotel with Clare and enjoy some A/C, a shower and a good old porcelain throne. I went out to a local bar last night and enjoyed the luxuries of whiskey, and just was able to relax a little. I know that if I celebrated in my village, this would have been a devastating day, so all round a good day! I also appreciate all those who called me from America, I know it is expensive but I really appreciate it and love and miss you guys:) You know who you are!  Tomorrow is back to site which is going to be once again tolling on me but it has to be done!  I have some plans to make the next couple of weeks entertaining before IST so it should be okay!

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