Monday, September 13, 2010

Medically Complete... Finally!!

So it is official, my medical is complete!!! I am excited about this, now it is waiting time for the letter to see if I have been cleared I guess... not really sure what happens from here. I am so excited to be medically cleared though, it is a great relief for me that I am one step closer to becoming a PV!!  Does anyone have an estimation on how long it takes from being medically cleared to an invitation?


  1. Hey! Congrats on the medical clearance. I received mine a few weeks ago. Apparnetly the timeline from clearance to invitation can be as short as a month from clearance to as long as a month before your scheduled departure. And of course there always is the possible let down of not being invited to your nominated country/dates, but hopefully that won't happen to you.

    Good luck wherever you end up!

  2. Thanks, I am happy that at least this part of the application is over... I hope to find out soon, I was nominated for early December 2010, so hopefully I will hear by the end of this month (wishful thinking I guess)
